Additional Parcels Y/NNo
Appliancesdryer, electric water heater, range, range hood, refrigerator, washer
Body Typedouble wide
Building Area Unitssquare feet
Carport Y/NNo
Construction Materialsvinyl siding
Coolingcentral air
Directionsfrom sr-408 turn s onto n kirkman rd. turn right onto w washington st and then left onto n hudson st. the home will be on the right.
Disclosureslead paint, seller property disclosure
Elementary Schoolorlo vista elem
Exterior Featuressidewalk
FULLfee simple
Facing Directionsouth
Flood Zone Codex
Flood Zone Code XY
Full Baths2
Garage Y/NNo
High Schoololympia high
Home Warranty Y/NNo
Interior Featuresceiling fan(s), living room/dining room combo, thermostat
Land Lease Y/NNo
Lease Considered Y/NYes
Legal Descriptionorlo vista terrace n/95 lot 23 (less e 5ft for st) blk k
Listing Termscash, conventional
Living Area Unitssquare feet
Lot Size Square Feet6752
Lot Size Unitssquare feet
MLS Area32835 - orlando/metrowest/orlo vista
Middle/Junior High Schoolchain of lakes middle
Minimum Leaseno minimum
New ConstructionNo
Occupancy Typevacant
Possessionclose of escrow
Property Subtypemobile home
Property Typeresidential
Roofmetal, shingle
Senior Community Y/NNo
Sewerseptic tank
Standard Statusactive
Subdivision Nameorlo vista terrace
Tax Annual Amount1239.18
Tax Lot23
Tax Year2023
Total Rooms6
Utilitieselectricity connected, water connected
Water Access Y/NNo
Water View Y/NNo
Waterfront Y/NNo
Year Built1973