Additional Parcels Y/NNo
Appliancesdishwasher, dryer, microwave, refrigerator, washer
Building Area Unitssquare feet
Construction Materialswood frame, wood siding
Coolingcentral air, other
Directionsfrom i-75 take the sr 64 exit west. turn left on 15th st w and the property will be on your left at the corner of 15th st w & 3rd ave w.
Flood Zone Codex
Flood Zone Code XY
Legal Descriptionlot 3, blk c, h g h reeds sub, except: a strip on the s side of (upham st) 3rd ave w, the full length of sd lot deeded to the city of bradenton and used for sidewalk purposes, also less land to the city o
Listing Termscash, conventional, private financing available
Living Area Unitssquare feet
Lot Size Square Feet11252
Lot Size Unitssquare feet
MLS Area34205 - bradenton
New ConstructionNo
Ownershipsole proprietor
Property Subtypemixed use
Property Typecommercial sale
Security Featuresfire sprinkler system, security lights, security system, security system owned
Sewerpublic sewer
Standard Statusactive
Subdivision Nameh g h reeds add to braidentown
Tax Annual Amount12801
Tax Lot3
Tax Year2022
Water Access Y/NNo
Water View Y/NNo
Waterfront Y/NNo
Year Built1920